/, Podcast/Joyride027: Happy new bike week to my pal Caryn Grunwald

Joyride027: Happy new bike week to my pal Caryn Grunwald

Howdy Joyriders!

On this episode of The Joyride, it is my great pleasure to introduce you all to a dear friend of mine, Caryn Grunewald. Caryn is celebrating her first week of a new bike after far too long out of the saddle. Caryn asked me to go bike shopping with her, which might be one of my favorite things to do on the planet! Caryn wanted to go over to Gladys Bikes first, and folks, the rest is herstory.

On this episode, we hang out at the Bluffs and chat about her new ride affectionately known as QueenB, the shopping experience, going fast, how to carry stuff including our pups!, random parking lots in North Portland, stump town cold brew, and what backgammon, bikes, and South America have in common.

Before we get into that, a few things:

1) I just celebrated one year of bike commuting! in that time, I’ve recorded 3400+ miles for Map My Ride in the past year!

2) HUMBLE BRAG ALERT! Friends – the Joyride was just featured as one of the 5 womens cycling podcasts to listen to from CityGirlRides! I’m stoked for the show to have been named with such company as VoxWomen Insider and Wheel Suckers produced by London Bike Kitchen. Big Thanks to City Girl Rides for that mention!

3) Finally friends, I’m super stoked because we had our first info meeting this past week for Women Bike PDX’s bike camping for beginners trip, happening at the end of June 2017. we’ve got a great group of gals ready to try on bike camping and I’m so thrilled to get to help facilitate the first of what is I’m sure to be many more adventures. If you’re a bike gal in the portland area and are interested in checking out this beginner bike camping trip, go ahead and join the Women Bike PDX Facebook group and/or email ME at thejoyridepodcast[at]gmail.com or frankly through whatever social media you choose.

Okay, Joyriders – you can find links and pictures in the show notes for this episode. And Joyriders, you can find those show notes at girleatsbike.com/joyride027. OR – theoretically, tap on the album art for the on most mobile device podcast apps and the notes with links should pop up.

Here’s some stuff discussed in this episode in no particular order:

Joni & Zig


bike love podcast in the wild

Springwater Corridor

Gladys Bikes


Big thanks to Caryn for being my friend, Golden Girls style, and sharing her awesome new bike energy with us! Follow Caryn (with many appearances by Joni Mitchell the Dog) on Insta

Friends, you know I believe in the transformative power of the bike, in our personal lives, our communities, and the world at large. I would be super grateful if you’d leave a rating or review in iTunes, Stitcher, or via whatever method you listen. It helps more gals find the show, and I believe the more stories we share, the more women who ride, we make this world – both our internal and external worlds – better with every revolution.

Remember: I read 5-star reviews out on the show because I love you.

Ratings and reviews help with that, but nothing is better than a personal referral, it’d be rad if you would share the show with even just one woman who you think might dig it.

Remember, “life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”

Keep moving forward and until next time I hope you enjoy the ride.

Forever Forward,


By |2018-02-26T15:39:02+00:00June 8th, 2017|community, Podcast|0 Comments

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